Ramblings of a crochet artist with the attention span of a goldfish. One time around the bowl and everything is new again. I make no promises that my ramblings will stay on one topic or even be coherent.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Go ask Alice...
1. I will actually get this pattern written. Impossible!
2. I will actually get my craft room. Impossible!
3. I will get organized. Impossible!
4. I will complete the rug I am working on. Impossible!
5. I will complete all the designs for the book. Impossible!
6. I will slay the Jabberwachy. Impossible!
But I believe the impossible can happen!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I Get a New Craft Room, I mean The Girl-Child is moving out. (sniff. sniff. WINK!)
They are moving the middle of next month to a small apartment that is walking distance to work, just a little ways from a Dairy Queen and within stumbling distance of the local pub. He became of age in December and she becomes of age in May. I have not seen it yet but it sounds like a pretty good location. They looked at it once and decided to take it. It sounds as if they found a landlord who is willing to help a young couple just starting out. Where would we all be if we had not had just such a person along the way? I asked her how many windows there were and if they need curtains? She couldn’t remember. I asked if there were lights in the room or if they needed lamps? She didn’t remember. I asked if the needed a shower curtain? She didn’t remember. But it’s a cute place. I asked her to call the landlord and find out when we can go look at it and I can get all my questions answered. I have been looking around here, figuring out what we have to give her, and get rid of. This might be my chance to get new stuff. I mightneed to do some shopping.
I have been planning how my new craft room will look. The rest of my family is quite excited about getting the use of the den, dining room, front hallway, and various other my many stashes have taken over. I have been teasing the Girl-Child for the last couple of years that I want her room for crafts. In reality her room is the smallest and ours is the largest, so once she is gone; we move into her room and I take over the big room, with the big closet and the big windows. My friends have warned me to be careful not to move too quickly because they often come back. That is fine; I think she will be quite comfortable sleeping on the floor under my cutting table. She shouldn’t worry about the scraps that end up on the floor; they will give her more padding. I suppose I should also warn her that I tend to go in there all hours of the day and night and work when the mood strikes me. She is currently cleaning out her room and “going thru stuff”. After about 4 hours and 10 garbage bags she came out and said “I really have A LOT of clothes”. This I already knew. I will keep you posted on the happenings of the big move.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Today the boy-child turns 18.
We left for the hospital quite quickly. When we got there, they had me go directly to the floor and we called my brother to come to the hospital so Cassondra, age 3, would not be present for the birth of her brother. Not exactly how we planned it. I got into my room and all set up by 5:15, Michael and my parents were with me. A beautiful 8.1 lb baby boy was born at 5:35. Now those of you thinking “Gee what an easy labor, not fair!” You should know I was sick for 8 ½ months, lost 35 pounds, was hospitalized 3 times, and went into pre-labor 4 times. I feel this all counts!! At 5:45, my darling husband looked at the clock and said “Hey, everything is done here, we could still make it to the Castle for happy hour and dinner, and it is already paid for!” I was not so impressed with this statement. I still to this day, do not know how serious he was but one look at my face and he decided it was not such a good idea.
The next week my mother was shopping in the same Wal-Mart and heard a story from the cashier about a woman who had given birth there last week. Dang!! Only another ½ hour and maybe I could have owned part of Wal-Mart. Yeah, but I really wanted the drugs. The lights are coming back; I must be coming back to reality. As I think about all the trials and tribulations of raising my baby boy to adulthood I think about life in general. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a book we were handed at 18 that explained it all? Well I guess we all have to figure it out as we go and make the best choices we can. At least he knows he has the love and support of his family backing him up. Ok, so I got a little deep with this post, sorry! Maybe I need some more of those drugs they gave me when I was in labor! All though if it means I have to go through pregnancy, labor, and delivery again, Ahhhhhhhhh just the thought of that sends me screaming. I am in my happy place, I am in my happy place, I am in my happy place. OK, deep breath, all better.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Crochet Addict???
Addictions have a reputation for being bad. Well I guess it would depend on what exactly it is you were addicted to. Hobby, obsession, addiction, call it what you will it seems to be lurking in most crafters. To determine if you are a crochet addict, actually you could insert the hobby of your choice for most of them. Knitter, Scrap booker, Stamper, Beader, Weaver, Spinner, Quilter, Rug Hooker, etc. You get the idea.
Symptoms of a Crochet Addict
- You're proud to be called a "hooker".
- You have a room for your yarn, not a shelf or a drawer, you have an entire room.
- When someone greets you they start off by saying, "What are you working on now?"
- You have more crochet hooks and patterns than you can count or will ever use.
- You walk through a yarn store and look at the colors and feel the skeins and you have to own that yarn, with no project in mind.
- You have a designated crochet bag that you carry projects in, and the bag isn't small. (You probably don't have just one.)
- You always keep a crochet project in your car or at work, just in case you have some down time.
- Your hands get fidgety when you go a day without crocheting (as if you would ever do that).
- You have a list of TV shows on TiVo you don't really have to pay close attention to while crocheting. (CSI, Law and Order, NCIS)
- You memorized when the major yarn stores have discounts and coupons.
- Your family makes fun of you because you can't sit still without working on something, not at a hockey game, movie, church. It doesn't matter where you are.
- Your most recent searches on your Garmin are for yarn shops in areas surrounding you.
- You crochet with things other than yarn, such as plastic bags, cassette tape, duck tape, rags, etc.
- You've learned to die yarn with Kool-aid and spin yarn out of your pet's hair.
- You wear one of those necklace medallions that cut your yarn for you.
- Your number of WIPs (works in progress) and UFOs (unfinished objects) keeps multiplying, and you blame it on your cat/dog/spouse.
- You occasionally stumble upon started projects that you have no memory of ever starting and have no idea what it was going to be.
- You are crocheting while reading this post.
After writing this list, I became a little afraid of my addiction. Does anyone know where I can find a crocheter anonymous meeting??? I think I have a problem and need to admit it to others. Well I think maybe they are having one at Yarn Harbor on Sunday. I think I will attend, I am sure they can help me.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Ugggg Homework!!
What did I start ranting about? …… …….. ………. Oh yeah The Boy-Child’s homework. So we; like that “we” had to do the Abc’s of economics. Write an ABC book using terms found in his economic s book. It amazed me how I was able to set it all up and input photos from the internet while sitting on my couch watching a CSI marathon. Tell me again how these kids have it so much harder than we did?? I experienced the law of diminishing returns. Remember what that is?? (I relearned it today.) The more of something you have the less you want it. Yeah well 26 letters is a lot! We had to get a little creative in the end. I did Google economics terms and found a list of them in alphabetical order. Now there is something I never would have found in Grandma’s encyclopedias. I was just corrected by Microsoft Word, Google needs to be capitalized. Again not found at grandmas. Ok so we got all 27 pages done, oh yeah did I forget to tell you about the title page. Went to print and we are out of ink the first 3 pages came out green. Guess I will be making a run to walmart this weekend.
I believe I had a point at the beginning of this, homework - I really am not sure where that line falls. Where do we as parents help them just get it done and where do we let them fail to learn a lesson? I guess with graduation looming only a few months away I am less inclined to go with the let him fail route. Am I setting a bad precedent by bailing him out? Maybe, but I really want to get to graduation and not have to do another economics project next year. I also know that there are 580 words to this point in today’s entry. Something else I would not have had on my typewriter. Cool huh?? Oh well enough ranting today, I need to go look over the Algebra homework that is also due on Monday. Dad will have to check that over cuz that one is beyond mom! Ohh ohh up to 598!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
One of these things is not like the others....
We had cats while I was growing up but now I am a dog owner. The cat we had, we named JFK (Junk Food Kitty). It loved to eat, and it ate anything. Most cats will come running to the sound of a can opener, well JFK only came running to the crackling of a chip bag. Doritos were his favorite. He sort of adopted us. He came into the house one day and stayed for a couple of years and then decided to move on and find a new home. My father really, really, did not like cats but he must have been able to sniff that out because JFK would go sit on his lap and purr nonstop. After a while even my dad decided maybe he wasn’t so bad and he could stay.
I wouldn’t say I love cats but we get along alright. It is not that I am completely opposed, my son had very bad asthma as a child and we could never have one, so we just never have had one. I have to admit that I also truly believe that someday cats will own the world. I know that if I were to die during my sleep that a cat would eat me and I am not totally convinced it would wait till I was all the way dead to start.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
What am I working on now??

Monday, March 15, 2010
Select Comfort beds are great!! Till they deflate in the middle of the night.
We got up, about 1 am, and investigated the problem. Yup his side had a hole and would not hold air. I offered to sleep on the couch and let him sleep on my side but he refused because he said it was the wrong side and he could not sleep there. You may notice that my husband does not flex well. I found a thin mattress we had rolled up from an old pullout sofa and put that in the hole so we could get to sleep. The next day I called and talked to several people at customer services, who were all very apologetic when I told them that Mike deflated and fell into the hole during the night. Mike said it was nice of them to feel bad for him but they all got a good night’s sleep! Well long story short, we have a new air chamber coming, but it will be about a week. In the mean time I had to find something to fill the hole under the meager mattress I put down. Mike did not sleep well, I may have mentioned that he does not flex well.
Mike looked around our room and decided we should try to use the piles of jeans I have stacked in every conceivable space. I have these because I had decided a while ago to do recycled jean crafts. That went well for a while and then I of course moved on to something else and still had lots of jeans, people still bring me some cuz I guess they think I will again get back to doing something with them. Maybe someday I could cut them into strips and make rugs out of them, that was one of the plans, or quilt them together to make a blanket for the dog, ohh ohh, I know… but I seem to have lost the original thought of my post….. Oh yeah the bed, so we filled the hole with some jeans and so far it actually worked. See there are reasons to keep stuff around because you never know when it will come in handy!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Who am I????
I do not know if I have fully decided who or what I will be when I grow up so I do not think my list is complete yet. I am sure there are some among you who could add to my list.
I encourage you to take a few minutes out of your hectic day to make a list like this for yourself, I think you will find it very revealing.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Saga of the new computer....
After a couple of weeks I put it all together; on a warm Saturday afternoon I was ready to make the commitment. With cash in hand, and excitement to get started I bribed Mike with lunch to go to Best Buy with me and get my new computer. We went in and stood around for a while looking for a person in a blue shirt to help us and they told us they were all sold out of “THE ONE”. The perfect computer I had picked out, it had all the computery (yes I realize this is not really a word, but I like it) stuff I needed, memory, processor speed, stuff I don’t know what it means but the guru said was good, I was crushed! We went to Texas Roadhouse; the new restaurant in town, cuz Mike still got his lunch. I had a Legendary Margarita the size of my head. It helped a little. Mike said “don’t worry; it will be in the ad tomorrow so they will have to have them then.” He got up and went to Best Buy Sunday morning to be there at opening and guess what, they are still out of them. I did not want to go this time just in case! See? I was right. They promised him they were getting lots of them in on Monday night’s truck.
I went again with cash in hand and high hopes in my heart on Tuesday and……. Yes! Yes! Yes! They had them. Long story short, well as short as I can make them, I got a new computer for my new venture and a very good margarita the size of my head.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Is this thing on????
My 10 reasons I plan to blog about crochet, yarn, patterns, life, whatever happens to be on my mind at the time.
9. Organization: Maybe if I write about my life, my crochet, my patterns, my yarn stash, my wips, I can actually get some control and organization over all of those things. Remember I said “Maybe” so don’t quote me on this in a year when my wips and stash have doubled in size with no end in sight.
8. Sisterhood: I know there are other crocheters out there in the big bad scary world of knitters who feel left out and abandoned. Sisters unite!
7. Feedback: On patterns, yarns, life…….. Sometimes it seems like we have complete control of our own little universe and know all the answers and other times we just need to hear from others that we are not alone in the world.
6. A family who understand fiber: I love my husband and kids with all my heart but sometimes they just don’t get it. I will sigh in frustration over a stitch I cannot get or show great excitement over a particular yarn I have found and bless their hearts they try to feign excitement or sympathize with me but I know they are really thinking that this might be the time mom has really lost it and they should remove all sharp objects from my vicinity and call the men in white coats who will give me happy pills and a really nice soft room to play in.
5. Focused Attention: Maybe just maybe, there I go again with the high hopes, I can become more focused on a particular project and see it through till completion. I dream of the day I actually have only 1 or 2 wips (works in progress) sitting around staring at me, asking in that hurt tone of voice, WHY? Why have you moved on and started other things? What can I do to regain your interest? You were so excited to start me, remember? The feel of the yarn caressing your fingers as it slipped past onto the hook, the excitement of the new stitch you could not wait to try. You did not even do a gauge swatch because you were too excited to start me and now I ask why? Why have I slipped behind the couch, where I will live with the partial skeins and heaps of dog hair until the day comes when you lose the remote and have to move the furniture? Oops I seem to have digressed a little there.
4. My Love of Crochet: I love to crochet and it seems that I am always learning. Even if I have done the same pattern several times I always learn something new. I love to try new things and learn from others.
3. A book: Have I really lost mind this time??? That is a question I guess we will have to answer in the future. I want to write a crochet book to share the wonderful secrets I have learned by doings things the hard way. Believe me, there are hard ways to do things and there are easy ways, why I tend to do the hard way first I really am not sure; I figure it is all a learning process. I hope to help others to avoid some of the pitfalls along the way. I also want to share with others the patterns I write.
2. Accountability: As I have said I plan to put together a book of crochet patterns and words of wisdom. I have great intentions a lot of the time but I need to be held accountable. So this is my accountability, even if it is to a nameless, faceless entity out there.
1. I got a new computer: I had to get a new computer for my new ventures. I will tell you more about this in another post. It is kind of a long short story.