Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Haunted by new designs

         I woke up this morning with a new design buzzing around my mind, just on the edge of consciousness.  I often dream my way through things.  My subconscious works through things while I am sleeping.  Back in the days when I was working in retail, I would often wake up with an idea of how to redo a display or feature something new we got in.  The problem was I would often wake up really tired because it felt like I had worked all night on the project.  Then I would get up go to work and have to spend all day doing the same thing.  I swore I was doing the same work twice.
          Lately it is design ideas that are rattling around in the ole' subconscious.  I will wake up and have to get things down in my notebook before I forget how they went together or they will be just on the edge of my memory.  That really sucks when it happens!!  That is where I found myself this morning.  Michael left for school bright and early and the boy child went to work out at the Y, I was all alone in a quiet house. That does not seem to happen much.  It was wonderful!!  After everyone left I went back to sleep and had a very colorful dream about fiber.  I was making something that I knew would change history!! I just know it.  I just can't seem to remember what it was.  I tried to lay there for a little longer hoping the inspiration would return but it did not and I had to get up and start my day.  I have sketched a few rough ideas, but I know that "perfect" design is there I just have to wait for it to surface.  Maybe I should take a nap today and try to work out the rest of the details..........