Tuesday, August 9, 2011

CGOA Thursday Night

The CGOA ChainLink 2011 conference recap continues; Thursday night was the Club Caron dance. It was sponsored by Caron International Yarns.  It was a lot of fun, and I met some great new friends
Amy Shelton; President of CGOA, Co-founder Crochetville
Karen Whooley, knit and  Crochet designer 
Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby is tweeting at this very moment

Myra Wood, Tammy Hildebrand,
 Kimberly K. McAlindin, Ellen Gormley

Kimberley K. McAlindin, Ellen Gormley
Yes that is Margaret Hubert doing the Electric Slide!!

Jo'Elle Galo (me), Shannon Mullett-Bowlsby, Karen Whooley
I have added a link to all of these fantastic designers. Just click on their names and you can go to their websites and see what great new things they are working on.