What am I working on now? I am currently working on a Crochet felted monk satchel that I wrote the pattern for. I have taught this class at Yarn Harbor for the last year and it has been very popular. It is a 3 week class, we learn how to make the pieces, put them together and felt it. This is the last night of class and the girls are working on the final single crochet seams. They can then go home and felt their new bag. The one I am working on will be a bag for my new laptop. I did not have my “homework” done for class one night and the boy-child thought it was great. He said “Mom, don’t you think you should have gotten your homework done for class right away and not put it off till the last minute?” Don’t you love, as a parent, when your own words come back to haunt you? I answered him “I am the teacher and I am there to help others with problems, not work on my own pieces.” Ok so technically I should have had it done but I was not going to let him know that. I teach several crochet classes at Yarn Harbor. Check out the website to see what other classes they offer. www.yarnharborduluth.com they also have a great blog: yarnharbor.wordpress.com

This is Julie, she is just finishing her crochet felted monk's satchel.

This is the bag I am working on right now. I have made it oversized, I want to use it for my new laptop bag.
This is the first bag I made. I then wrote the pattern from this one.
This bag looks SO FUN and this class is on my "to do" list. :)