10. The yarn, the yarn, the yarn! I learned how to knit and crochet in the 70’s. Oh how far the world of fiber has come since that time. (More on this subject at another time.)
9. Organization: Maybe if I write about my life, my crochet, my patterns, my yarn stash, my wips, I can actually get some control and organization over all of those things. Remember I said “Maybe” so don’t quote me on this in a year when my wips and stash have doubled in size with no end in sight.
8. Sisterhood: I know there are other crocheters out there in the big bad scary world of knitters who feel left out and abandoned. Sisters unite!
7. Feedback: On patterns, yarns, life…….. Sometimes it seems like we have complete control of our own little universe and know all the answers and other times we just need to hear from others that we are not alone in the world.
6. A family who understand fiber: I love my husband and kids with all my heart but sometimes they just don’t get it. I will sigh in frustration over a stitch I cannot get or show great excitement over a particular yarn I have found and bless their hearts they try to feign excitement or sympathize with me but I know they are really thinking that this might be the time mom has really lost it and they should remove all sharp objects from my vicinity and call the men in white coats who will give me happy pills and a really nice soft room to play in.
5. Focused Attention: Maybe just maybe, there I go again with the high hopes, I can become more focused on a particular project and see it through till completion. I dream of the day I actually have only 1 or 2 wips (works in progress) sitting around staring at me, asking in that hurt tone of voice, WHY? Why have you moved on and started other things? What can I do to regain your interest? You were so excited to start me, remember? The feel of the yarn caressing your fingers as it slipped past onto the hook, the excitement of the new stitch you could not wait to try. You did not even do a gauge swatch because you were too excited to start me and now I ask why? Why have I slipped behind the couch, where I will live with the partial skeins and heaps of dog hair until the day comes when you lose the remote and have to move the furniture? Oops I seem to have digressed a little there.
4. My Love of Crochet: I love to crochet and it seems that I am always learning. Even if I have done the same pattern several times I always learn something new. I love to try new things and learn from others.
3. A book: Have I really lost mind this time??? That is a question I guess we will have to answer in the future. I want to write a crochet book to share the wonderful secrets I have learned by doings things the hard way. Believe me, there are hard ways to do things and there are easy ways, why I tend to do the hard way first I really am not sure; I figure it is all a learning process. I hope to help others to avoid some of the pitfalls along the way. I also want to share with others the patterns I write.
2. Accountability: As I have said I plan to put together a book of crochet patterns and words of wisdom. I have great intentions a lot of the time but I need to be held accountable. So this is my accountability, even if it is to a nameless, faceless entity out there.
1. I got a new computer: I had to get a new computer for my new ventures. I will tell you more about this in another post. It is kind of a long short story.
Jo'Elle, congratulations on starting a blog. I have had mine for a couple of years and LOVE IT. My blog has been sadly neglected for months but I am ready now to keep up with it AND fill in some blanks from the past. I can't wait to follow your adventures on your blog!