Fall brings about many changes. In our household, it means school is starting again for Michael. For those who need a brief updating I will give you the Readers Digest version of the last year. Michael (darling husband) worked in the transportation industry for just over 20 years and last September his company downsized and he was layed-off. He started back to school at a local Technical College in January of this year. He is going to be the computer geek he was always meant to be!! I knew at some point he would. He had a few reservations about going back but he has been top of his class. The kids think it is great he is going back, Chris, (the boy child) really enjoys asking him, "Dad, before you turn on the Xbox, is all your homework done?" Not so sure how long that will last however. Cassie, (the girl child) bought him a bottle of top shelf scotch to celebrate. She also told him no drinking it on a school night. When I tell people I am sleeping with a college student, she does however look at me and roll her eye and say "MOM! Really?" in that tone that only an offended 22 year old can get.
I think we got him all set up for school, new pens and notebooks, even though I found this really great pink glittery one he refused to take. HMMPH. If you have seen the new back to school Target ads, and I suggest you do, they are great! One of them says you will need lots of glitter, I was only trying to help. I would not want him to stand out and the other kids make fun of him. I also suggested I get him some juice boxes and fruit cups, he also declined. I'm just trying to be helpful!! He has a pretty heavy class schedule and it has only been one day but, it seems he will have quite a bit of homework to do as well. I know he will handle the pressure just fine but my main concern; does this means I will have to cook more often??? I got quite spoiled over the summer when he was home everyday.
Michael's favorite Target ad
My Favorite Target ad
Chris's Favorite Target ad