Wow this is a week of new for me!! New Computer, New patterns, New truck.
I am in the process of writing and test crocheting three different patterns right now. Some days that gets a little confusing. I will mix up which size hook I am using and start on one of them and my gauge seems way off. I thought maybe I had a glass of wine I forgot about but then I realized oops I am using a size J hook on my size G project again. Damn maybe I should have had that glass of wine. I can't tell you much about them but one is an article of clothing that does not have sleeves (hint hint), another is a set that can be worn in this blustery weather we are getting today. Oh yeah, did I mention they use different hook sizes?? Now why do I go do things like that to myself? If I could learn to get a gauge in one hook size only it would really make my life easier and my bag a lot lighter. Just a bit of news to share, I received my first check today from the design I sold. I can now "Officially" say I have sold a design!! It is not published yet so I cannot tell you anymore, but some day soon!

I had to get a new truck this week. My old one was to the point of falling apart as I drove it down the road. I lost the exhaust pipe a few weeks ago, now I really am not kidding about this, it was so loud that when I drove into the parking ramp at work I would set off the same car alarm every day. The boy child did not want to ride into the ramp with me, he asked to be dropped off in the street. The new one is great, it is an older Nissan Pathfinder. The really great thing is that it has a remote starter and heated seats!!! What more can I ask for on a cold winter day?? Warm feet and tushey!! It has some rust around the wheel wells and along the doors, Who among us doesn't? I was thinking about crocheting a little skirt to cover those areas. Hmm, I will have to put some more thought into that one. Any thought how I could get it to stay?? Gorilla Glue? Hot Glue? Craft Glue? This week I am planning on Yarn Bombing the fence at Yarn Harbor, why not my vehicle? OK, Blog readers leave me a comment, any thought how I should best yarn bomb my new truck? I am open to any and all suggestions. I have to make sure that the pieces are secure enough to not come off while driving, I do not want to get a littering fine!!
How do you think they did this? |