Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sock class!

My attempt to kick (bad pun intended) Single Sock Syndrome has not gone well, I set out to make the second sock to one of the many I have been working on.  I think fate has a very nasty sense of humor.  I got all the way to the middle of the foot and found I am running out of yarn. We do not have any of that colorway left in the store.  Now I have to put it on hold till we get more in, who knows how many more I will have started by then!  I started teaching a sock class yesterday. My DH really thinks it is hysterically funny that I am teaching crochet socks and I have yet to actually finish a pair.  When you are teaching you only need to make one for samples, so see, it is not as silly as it sounds.  Maybe this will motivate me to get them all done???? I can hope, If I were you I would not hold my breath.  I can pretty much guarantee it will not end well, you will be turn blue and I will still be hopping around in one sock.


  1. What you don't realize is you are very much in style! My daughter rarely wears matching socks - it is all the rage right now. All you have to do is make sure you make an even number :o)

  2. I have worn mismatched socks for years!! Fashion has finally caught up with me. Won't my kids be shocked when I tell them I am HIP!!!!
