Monday, October 10, 2011

New Computer Day!

I had to get a new computer last week.  My old laptop had no working USB ports and it would just decide to lock up and not respond when ever it felt like it.  I was beginning to think it might have become a teenager.  It is not that old but maybe computers lives are like dog years for every actual one they age 7 years. Hmm, something to ponder.  So I went with DH who just so happen to be going to school in computery stuff and he told me which one to buy.  The sales boy, and yes I think I have jeans older then he was, asked if I wanted the extended geek squad stuff and I said "No, I have my own." (pointing to DH).
  I have now had the pleasure of transferring all the files and stuff from the old one to the new one.  That does not seem like a chore to some people but without working USB ports you have to put it on a disk and move it,  not fun.  It did however make me clean out some of those files that you don't realize are still hanging around.  I found a great wealth of knowledge about the Ancient Pharaohs and the Egyptian tombs, (The boy child had to do a report on them on 11th grade) If you are asking yourself, didn't he graduate a year ago? You are correct.  So why is that stuff on my computer? Well once you move on it does not clear itself out, apparently.  I guess at some point I had tried to move a block of photos and it copied them, 7 times.  OOPS.  I found all kinds of little nuggets like that.  By the time I was done house cleaning things were so streamlined it was sailing right along.  Hmmmm Makes me wonder, if I had cleaned all this junk out before, would I still have needed a new computer?  Oh well it is a business expense, that makes it worth it.  I with I could do other house cleaning as efficiently, just move everything to the little garbage can icon and hit delete, it all goes away and I don't have to think about it again.  Why can't doing dishes, sweeping, laundry, sorting stash yarn all be just as easy.  I might actually do some of it more often if it were.  I should talk to DH about computerizing those things.  Oh well I guess it is time to get back to work, now I have to start creating new files on the new machine.  Did I mention I got a new mouse tooo?  It is purple!!

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