The quilt retreat was a fantastic success! I brought fiber scarves and bags to sew for my projects. I finished both of them on Thursday (day 1) and awe shucks, I had to go buy a project or two to do. I decided to make a duvet cover for our king size down comforter. The comforter is still great but the cover on it has seen better days. I also want to paint my bedroom and I think this gives me the perfect opportunity to decide on a new color to go with the new cover, which of course means I will need new curtains, and hmmm what about that rug? This could snowball right out of control. I will keep it simple and start with the duvet. I chose a pattern called Fire Escapes. It called for 8 different fabrics and 1 contrast. I chose to stay in the blue/purple color combo, (does this surprise anyone????) with a little bit of orange, yellow and green thrown in just for contrast. I can honestly say I have never been accused of being a beige person!! I worked on the blocks all day Friday and Saturday started sewing the 16 different strips together. It was a lot of fun and got a lot of attention at the retreat. I think that has more to do with my bold color choices then my sewing ability! The strips look great when they are all together but the are not so straight seams before that point. I backed it with a piece of blue fleece. The whole things weighs like 10 pounds! I love it! I put the comforter in it and put it on the bed last night. It was quite warm, actually too warm for dh but he sleeps half the night without blankets anyway. Because of the fleece backing it stayed in place and did not slip off the edge of the bed. I am ready for those cold nights now. Now back to thinking about the other changes that need to be made in the room.....................
Cut pieces of my 8 different fabrics |
This is my sewing space, it looks pretty clean and organized right |
now. I am just starting the day.
I have all the pieces cut out and ready to start sewing the blocks together that will make up the strips. I learned early, LABEL, LABEL, LABEL!!! |
These are all 16 strips sewed but not joined yet. I had to step on my rolling chair to tape them to the wall. I got yelled by someone every time I climbed up there. I never fell once! Some scary close calls though. |
Here is a small section of my completed duvet! |
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