I got my package from the yarn company; who shall not be named yet. It arrived via UPS on Wednesday, when the driver was leaving, I told him I had to tweet that it came and he just laughed at me, oh well. So I ripped opened my box, I had a little trouble with the tape and I thought I was going to have to chew through it but finally I got to the contents and it was beautiful yarn! I was very excited to start working on my project immediately, the only problem was I still had several massage clients scheduled. Like a good girl I out it away and I waited till I got home that evening and after dinner I started working on it. I finally forced myself to put it down at midnight, I only had a few rows to go to complete it but I really had to go to bed. I finished it last night and have it ready to ship back. I can show you the box but that is all till later. Stay tuned.......................................
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