Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Associate Professional

Today I applied for my associate professional status with Crochet Guild of America. I am excited because this will really help me to make the move into the next year that I need. I have been working on setting the goals I would like to achieve in this next year.  One of the things that they will do is help to set me up with a mentor, someone who is currently working in the crochet professional world. I am excited for this, I think I have reached the limit of what I can do on my own right now, I need help moving on.  This will give me someone to answer questions, at this point I am not even sure of what questions to ask.  I sometimes feel like I am a puppy chasing its tail around in circles and when I finish I am really dizzy but have not gone anywhere.  I plan to do some great new things in the next year and this is just the first step.  Stay tuned and buckle you seat belt, this maybe a bumpy ride.

1 comment:

  1. I made the leap to Associate and you will find it smooths out the bumps! Just knowing there is someone in the field to hold your hand is a major confidence booster :o) Best of luck - can't wait to see what 2012 hold for you. Hope to celebrate big this summer at Chainlink in NH. Have a great day :o)
