Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cassie's accident

     My daughter was in a car accident on Friday night. Before I go too far, she is fine, just sore and bruised up.  She works in a group home overnights and was on her way to work. We had some snow followed by freezing rain during the day and the roads were just a bit slick.  She was just starting to accelerate onto the High Bridge over Lake Superior and started to fishtail, as she corrected, the tires bit and threw the truck across both lanes of traffic and into the guardrail on the opposite side.  The guardrail did its job and so did the airbag!  She suffered some burns from the airbag exploding into her face and some bruises from the seat-belt, both of which are far better then going through the windshield or eating the steering wheel!  She will be sore for a few days and is a bit skittish about driving; but her dad made her get in his truck yesterday and go for a drive.  You just have to do it.
       My truck is totaled and was towed away from the scene, when the airbag went off it snapped something in the steering column and the wheel just spins all the way around. The radiator was also punctured and it was leaking radiator fluid all over. It would cost more to fix then it is worth, even though I just picked it up from getting new brakes and the heater fixed on Thursday. Oh well, life goes on.  I will miss my truck and the remote starter and the heated seats, wow do I like heated seats!! Did not know how much, till I do not have them. Something like this really makes you realize "things" are not so important in the grand scheme of life.  It is the ones you love that matter! I am so thankful that she is only slightly banged up and will heal in time.  I will get another vehicle and all will be well; but I could not replace my baby girl.  OK, that trip into sappyland is over, moving on.