Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fiber Rummage Sale, Maybe I shouldn't have gone.

     Today I went to the fiber guild rummage sale. I got there about 45 minutes before it opened and was about 10th in line. I knew it was going to be pretty busy, that’s why I got there early. By the time the doors opened there were about 30 people in line, waiting anxiously to stampede the room and get bargains. There are some great deals to be had if you can get into the room fast enough. Have you ever been to the park and thrown bread crumbs out and was instantly surrounded by seagulls screaming mine! Mine! Mine! Well it was something like that. When I got inside there was a table heaping with yarn, some hand-spun, some bags of bits and pieces, some store bought but never used, a little bit of everything. By the time l checked out ½ hour later, I looked back at the yarn table and there was only about half dozen skeins left. Now I helped to empty the table so I am not saying there was anything wrong with the frenzy that ensued.

      In past years I have brought stuff to sell at the sale myself and done quite well. When I left this morning, Michael said, “be sure and come home with less then you brought”, unfortunately this year I did not get my stuff in order in time. The plan is, as I move into the new craft room I am going to sort through things and set aside the stuff for next year. I of course have to make room for the couple of bags of bargains I got today.  Gee did I really need more purple yarn??  Did you hear it too??  I am positive I heard it calling my name and it was handspun wool and such a good price how could I possibly say no?

These are a few of my bargains I picked up today.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sad that I wasn't able to attend the Fiber Rummage Sale! We were camping up the North Shore. Do they have more than one a year?
